Welcome to GIAM
The Medical Offices of Dr. Scott Gerson, State-of-the-Art Panchakarma Facilities, and Ayurvedic Spa
Scott Gerson, M.D., Ph.D., the only physician in the United States to hold both M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees in Ayurvedic Medicine, has been in clinical medical practice for more than 30 years. He is an active professor and research scientist in Ayurvedic Medicine and is associated with Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya in Pune, India. Specializing in both simple and diagnostically difficult cases, Dr. Gerson is able to rationally blend conventional Western medicine with Ayurvedic medicine, producing results that marry the best of all medical worlds and create personalized custom medical care for each patient and their particular needs.
In Ayurveda, disease is understood holistically as a somato-psycho-spiritual disintegration with a tendency to somaticize unresolved emotional and mental conflicts. A defining feature of Ayurveda is the holistic re-integration of the physical (through Panchakarma purification, dietary recommendations, herbal medicines, physical exercise, etc), psychological (meditation, pranayama, removing negative emotions, etc), and spiritual realms (rituals, prayer, mantra recitation, gemstones, placement of sacred objects in the home, etc).
Ayurvedic treatments, therefore, are not merely a series of single and autonomous treatments, but rather a carefully formulated, highly-individualized sequence of treatments effective only when applied as an integrated whole.
The Āyurvedic Understanding of COVID-19:
Prevention and Treatment Approach by Scott Gerson, M.D., Ph.D. (Ayu)
By now everyone knows that the COVID-19 pandemic began in December 2019 in Wuhan China and rapidly extended to become a global health and economic emergency. Its etiological agent (nidana) is the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. COVID-19 presents a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations, which ranges from an asymptomatic infection to a severe pneumonia accompanied by multisystemic failure that can lead to death. The immune response to SARS-CoV-2 is known to involve all the components of the immune system that together appear responsible for viral elimination and recovery from the infection. However, these very same immune responses are implicated in the disease's progression from a mild infection to a more severe and lethal process. This wide clinical spectrum of COVID-19 is a consequence of the correspondingly variable spectrum of the immune responses to the virus. The critical point where progression of the disease (in the conventional medical paradigm) is triggered appears to center on loss of the immune regulation between controlled protective and uncontrolled destructive responses due to an over-exuberant production of various cytokines (pro-inflammatory chemicals). As logical as this sounds, as you will see the Āyurvedic paradigm understands this critical point of progression to be very different.
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The Gerson Institute would like to announce that Dr. Scott Gerson has resumed in-person office medical consultations and private Panchakarma treatments in Dunedin, FL. Both N. Palm Beach and NYC consults are currently on Hold.
The practice will be limited to 25% of the normal patient capacity. This means Dr Gerson will be able to see only two patients each day, Monday through Saturday.
The facility will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between patients following the current CDC recommendations for health care facilities each day to ensure safety.
Personalized Medical Care
Occasionally, you might hear from a friend or family member who has greatly benefited from a specific Ayurvedic procedure (i.e. panchakarma) or herbal medicine (i.e. Shatavari, Asparagus racemosus) and raved about it--while other people you know report that it doesn’t work. The importance of carefully individualizing every aspect of Ayurvedic treatments cannot be overstated.
One of, if not the, most important fundamental tenet of Ayurvedic medicine is that each person is unique and has an equally unique path to health and longevity. What works for you will likely not work for me. Even at most so-called “integrative medicine” centers, the treatments and programs are largely the same--based on the needs of the average adult or at best are inadequately personalized. However, the facts remain that humans come in different races, genders, sizes and shapes, education, cultures, and metabolisms and different inherited or acquired epigenetic marks. Therefore, Ayurvedic teaching emphasizes that treatment of any disease or condition must be precise. Each of our minds and bodies respond uniquely and at GIAM we pay attention to these differences so that we can design the best possible program uniquely for you.
We believe that it is essential to listen to your story carefully so that we can fully understand your concerns and your goals. Your biography in many ways creates your biology. We partner with you closely, honor your inner wisdom, and modify our programs in real time according to how you respond. We want you to be successful whether you are pursuing the cure of a chronic disease, anti aging, weight management, hormonal balance, or simply eating healthier.
About Dr. Scott Gerson
The Gerson Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine
Dr. Gerson is widely regarded as this nation's most experienced Ayurvedic physician and researcher and works principally as a physician specializing in diagnostically difficult cases.
Currently, Dr. Gerson is the only Westerner to hold a Ph.D. degree in Ayurveda--the highest level of Ayurvedic education--and the only physician in the United States to have complete formal training in both conventional and Ayurvedic medicine. His Ph.D. thesis in Panchakarma Chikitsa (Detoxification Therapy) was accepted jointly by the University of Poona and Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya in 2003. He was appointed Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Ayurveda of University of Pune in 2004 where he is active in academic and research activities. Dr. Gerson is a member of the teaching and research faculties at the prestigious Institute of Indian Medicine in Poona as well as numerous other academic affiliations including the Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha Medicine, the Indian government¹s principal Ayurvedic organization. Dr. Gerson holds the position of Clinical Assistant Professor at New York Medical College in the Department of Community and Preventive Medicine. He published Ayurveda: The Ancient Indian Healing Art (Element Books) in 1993, The Ayurvedic Approach To Diet and Weight Loss (Lotus Press) in 2001, and 101 Dietary Myths (Ayurveda.MD Press) in 2015. Dr. Gerson conducted botanical research in his R&D laboratory located on the campus of SUNY Farmingdale and is on the Board of Directors of The Foundation For Holistic Medical Research. He was until recently the Medical Director, Department of Integrative Medicine, Division or Research and Education at Jupiter Medical Center in Jupiter, FL.
Featured Written Content by Scott Gerson M.D., Ph.D. (Ayu)
The Ayurvedic Approach to Candidiasis by Scott Gerson, MD, M. Phil. (Ayu), Ph.D.
Ayurveda advocates a natural, safe systematic approach to bring Candida back into equilibrium with the body. The following five parts of treatment together have been shown to be an effective anti-candida regimen. However, the exclusion of even one of these will almost inevitably lead to unsatisfactory outcomes. Bear in mind that candidiasis is in the Ayurvedic category of kruchchhasadhya, meaning a disease which curable but with difficulty.
The Ayurvedic Approach to Parkinson's Disease (Kampavata) by Scott Gerson, MD
While modern medicine has only recently acknowledged that these preceding preclinical non-motor symptoms represent the beginning of the PD disease process, these symptoms and many more and even more subtle are documented in the Ayurvedic description of the purvarupas (lit. “preceding form”) of this disease. In fact, the ancient observations of the beginning of Parkinson’s Disease goes far deeper than the physical realm, or even the mental realm, and ultimately focuses on the earliest changes of the innermost fundamental energies at the core of our being.
The Ayurvedic Approach to Lyme Disease—Part 2: Treatment by Dr. Scott Gerson
By the 1990’s, “Lyme Disease” had become epidemic. Clearly it was not caused by any single pathogen or process. What was needed was a more holistic approach, one that could up-regulate the body’s immune response to combat this complex multi-component disease. So I began to consider how Ayurveda, and panchakarma in particular, might be used to treat these patients and over time developed effective protocols.
The Dhanvantari Mantra
Dhanvantari Mantra glorifies the healing power of Sri Lord Dhanvantari and describes his physical appearance. This mantra has been taught in Ayurvedic colleges throughout India for several millennia.
Dhanvantari Mantra
Om shankham chakram jalaukam
dadhad amruta ghatam charu dorbhi chaturbhih
Sukshma svacch ati hridyam sukha pari vilasanam
maulim ambhoja netram
Kalam bhodojo valangam kati tata vilasan
charu pitam baradhyam
Vande dhanvantarim tam nikhila gada vanam
praudha davagni leelam
We bow to Lord Dhanvantari holding in his graceful four hands a Conch shell, a Wheel, a Leech and a pot of heavenly nectar.
Within whose heart shines the most pure and gentle beautiful blaze of light, which surrounds his head and emanates from his lotus eyes.
On the dark water whose body is luminous and gleaming.
Waist and thighs are covered in yellow cloth and by whose mere play
All diseases are vanquished as if by a mighty forest fire.