Ayurvedic Day Spa

The Gerson Institute Day Spa

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The Gerson Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine’s
Spa Treatments
are unlike any you have ever experienced.

We are proud to offer an extensive selection of the highest quality authentic Ayurvedic spas treatments at The Gerson Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine’s Day Spa. These Ayurvedic treatments are designed to nourish, balance, and revitalize you at the deepest level.

Menu of Ayurvedic Day Spa Services Available at GIAM

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Abhyanga (Full Body Ayurvedic Treatment)

Abhyanga is among the most rare and special types of Ayurvedic oil treatments and is the “signature” treatment at GIAM. This full body Ayurvedic treatment is typically given by two therapists, but can also be given by a single therapist, who rhythmically synchronize their strokes and massage according to the circulatory channels and marma points. Oils are individually selected according to one’s body type. Abhyanga is traditionally useful for obesity, detoxification, loss of skin lustre, sleeplessness, fatigue, anxiety, eczema, and nervousness.

60 min. one therapist $115 | 60 min. two therapists $225



Shirodhara ("Third-eye Drip")

"Shiro" means head and "dhara" is the continuous flow of a liquid. In this process, different herbal oils, medicated milks, medicated buttermilk etc., are poured over the forehead from a special vessel for about 30 minutes. This treatment is profoundly relaxing and is used traditionally for insomnia, memory loss, hormonal imbalance, headaches, mental tension and certain skin diseases. Shirodhara is always done in conjunction with another treatment on our Spa menu.

Abhyanga + Shirodhara
90 min. one therapist $210 | 90 min. two therapists $295

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Swedana ("Sweat Treatment")

Swedana Karma is used to induce sweating. Charaka eloquently tells us that swedana is "whatever relieves stiffness, heaviness, and cold in the body and produces sweat".  Properly timed, Swedana will soften and melt toxins sufficiently for the body to efficiently expel them. Among the fourteen methods described to induce sweating in the ancient Ayurvedic texts, the most regularly used at GIAM are steam and Far Infrared. GIAM offers Far Infrared treatments in a luxurious infrared bed.

Single treatment $50 | Series of 6 treatments $250


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Soundaryam Vardhini (Ayurvedic Facial Enhancement)

This is not a traditional facial but rather a distinctive and authentic method of facial marma therapy and detoxification which utilizes freshly prepared fruit- and vegetable-based herbalized creams, astringents, and ointments individualized according to body type. There are no extractions or trauma of any kind. The touch component focuses on the marma points of the face, neck, and shoulders which re-invigorates the tissues, tones, and refreshes the senses. This treatment combines beautifully with our Abhyanga Full Body Massage.

60 min. one therapist $115   

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Shirovasti (Head Bath) + Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Full Body Treatment)

Special herbal oils containing extracts of brahmi leaves and dhataki flowers are poured into a cap fitted onto the head and held for 15 to 30 minutes according to the patient's body type. This treatment is done in conjunction with Swedana (“sweat therapy”) and Abhyanga, GIAM’s “signature” full body treatment. This particular treatment is effective for reducing facial wrinkling, bells palsy, sinus congestion, eye strain, headaches, and other diseases of the head and senses.

120 min. two therapists $325




Pizhichili is an Ayurvedic oil treatment developed in Kerala in southern India. In this treatment, thick, warm herbalized oils are applied all over the body in a special rhythmic way continuously for 60 minutes. Traditionally, it is given daily for a period of 5 to 21 days, but is also effective as a single treatment. This treatment is done on a special table made from cherry tree heartwood. This treatment is very useful for rheumatic diseases like arthritis, tendonitis, low back strain, Parkinson’s disease, sexual debility, nervous exhaustion and breathing disorders.

45 min. one therapist $115 | 45 min. two therapists $225


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Pinda Sweda + Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Full Body Treatment)

This is a rare and wonderful type of combined massage and gentle sudation therapy in which the whole body is made to perspire by the external application of hot herbal puddings in the form of boluses tied up in muslin bags. This treatment is for all types of rheumatism, pain in the joints, emaciation of limbs, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and certain kinds of skin diseases.

90 min. one therapist $185 | 90 min. two therapists $295

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Udvarthanam (Flower Petal Rub)

This treatment is also known as Ayurvedic Powder Rub. The powder is made from the aromatic petals of five tropical flowers very finely ground. This is traditionally used in obesity, skin diseases, cellulite, impaired circulation and similar Kapha predominant diseases. The herbal powders are applied by 1 or 2 therapists in a specific way on the body for 30 minutes.

60 min. (Shirodhara + Udvartanam) one therapist $110
60 min. (Abhyanga + Udvartanam) one therapist $185 (two therapists $295)
90 min. (Abhyanga + Shirodhara + Udvartanam) one therapist $225 (two therapists $320)


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Lepana (Herbalized Mud Treatment) + Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Full Body Treatment)

This is a treatment in which a medicated herbal paste is applied over the entire body and allowed to dry. It is then removed using a special deep tissue technique which leaves the muscles and fascia revitalized and flexible. Lepana is traditionally given for obesity as well as various types of inflammatory conditions, skin diseases, arthritis, gout, muscular strains, and circulatory imbalances.

90 min. one therapist $185 | 90 min. two therapists $295

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Katibasti (Deep Back Treatment) + Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Full Body Treatment)

In this process, a specially prepared warm, penetrating medicated oil is positioned over the lower back with an herbal paste boundary. A deep back and neck massage precedes the main therapy. Katibasti is good for many types of upper or lower back pain, tension, or spasm. This process is also done over the chest in another related therapy useful in asthma, cough, and congestion.

90 min. one therapist $185 | 90 min. two therapist $295

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Lavanam (Ayurvedic Style Salt Scrub)

This process combines three different substances. It begins with a rich Ayurvedic oil treatment chosen according to your body type. It continues with a gentle warm milk rinse followed by a rhythmic carrot mulch rub. The grand finale is a full body scrub with a special Ayurvedic salt which leaves the skin glowing and relaxed.

90 min. one therapist $185 | 90 min. two therapists $295

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Panchakarma Therapy

Panchakarma is a set of therapeutic procedures administered for the internal purification of the body and mind. These detoxification procedures utilize and up-regulate the body’s own innate routes of elimination. Detoxification allows the physiological systems to reestablish homeostasis and return to normal strength, function, and structure. Panchakarma also facilitates the positive pharmacological effects of both the diet and any therapeutic remedies administered thereafter. Therefore, Panchakarma has a comprehensive role in our approach to health as Promotive, Preventive, Curative, and Restorative.

The procedure includes:
Massage | Swedana | Shirodhara | Lepana
Nasya (nasal medications) | Basti (enema)
As well as other treatments recommended by the physician-in-charge. 


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Glycolic Acid Exfoliations Series

Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) are a group of organic compounds which have been used for millennia to improve the complexion. AHAs are derived from food products. The one used at GIAM, glycolic acid, comes from sugar cane. Glycolic acid is the smallest possible AHA and therefore penetrates the skin most easily and effectively. The procedure involves a series of 4-6 treatments (once a month) which include an application of glycolic acid, neem-based neutralizer, cool rose water, and tridoshic Ayurvedic moisturizer which is used daily for 1 week after each treatment.

Glycolic acid exfoliations are safe and effective in sloughing off old skin cell allowing younger skin cells to surface which promotes a healthy, youthful glow. Used to treat clogged pores, dull skin, light wrinkles and scars, soften and smooth dry skin, and even irregular skin tone. Can cost $200-350 per treatment at most dermatologist offices. Price includes special Ayurvedic Tridoshic Moisturizing Cream formulated by Dr. Gerson and available exclusively at The Gerson Institute for Ayurvedic Medicine’s Spa (reg. $34.50).

Click here to learn more about Glycolic Acid Exfoliation

Our price:  
$165 per treatment | $595 for series of four | $835 for series of six

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To schedule a treatment or for more information, please call or text Sabina at 727-804-8150, or email sabina@gersonayurveda.com.

Please note our Cancellation Policy:
Cancellation With More Than 72 Hour Notice: No Fee
Cancellation Within 24-72 Hours: 50% of Service Charge
Cancellation on Same Day or "No Show": 100% of Service Charge
Please note that email appointment cancellations are not accepted.

Please understand that arriving late may limit the time available for your treatment, thus lessening its effectiveness and your pleasure. Your timely arrival is appreciated.